Thursday, April 18, 2024

Pig-Pen vs Mr. Clean. Who Would Win?

  I saw this and there was no way I couldn't share it with you.

Everybody knows the Peanuts gang. 

Mr. Clean? Of course.

Scrubbing Bubble? Maybe not so much.

Pig-Pen would offer them one heck of a challenge. Who do you think would win?

I'm putting my money on Pig-Pen. This little guy is pretty feisty. And you just know Snoopy is close by just in case.

Friday, April 5, 2024

How The Three Blind Mice Went Blind

 It's not well known how the 3 blind mice went blind.

Seems one day Timmy, one of the mice, ran bursting into the hole in the wall and told the mice about the solar eclipse that was coming. He said you needed special glasses to watch it.

What is well known is that mice are not very good at making things.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Weird Solar Eclipse Crowd

 Everyone is talking about the solar eclipse. If you're in a crowd watching, you might want to look around and see what crazies crept into the crowd.

Be careful also. Remember the Three Blind Mice?

Monday, April 1, 2024

7-Up in the Comics

 I thought you might get a kick out of seeing a 7-Up ad from a 1958 Comic Book. The comic is Fritzi Ritz.

I'm sure this ad has appeared in other comics, but when I came across it, I decided to add it. 

This ad is sponsored by Disney and promotes "Zorro", a weekly TV series. 

Fun Fact: 7-Up has been a popular soft drink since the 1920's. The original name the company came up with was ‘Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Carbonated Soda’?” 

Just rolls off your tongue. I'm betting the soda clerk would shake his head and give him a Coke.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Why Bigfoot Has Not Been Seen

 Bigfoot explains, in his own words, why no one has yet found him. It's also a reason he is a big fan of cell phones.

Now to be fair, there are the Bigfoots hunters on TV. They are actively looking for him. They sweep an area with what? 

4 people?

Don't worry. Here's my spoof animation of a couple Bigfoot hunters who seem fairly clueless.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Wood Carved Pickle Resembles Bart Simpson

Grab a cup of coffee and come and listen bout a story of a man called Jeb . . . Whoops. Wrong story.

 Is it just me or does this pickle resemble Bart Simpson?

Funny story. I started out trying to carve a ghost. I cut in the arms and didn't like them so carved away. Turned it around and tried again. Same result. Carved those away.

Now the carving was getting too thin to be a ghost. So I dug in some eyes.


Carved them away. Added eyes and was going to carve a wide-open mouth with teeth when my first cuts made me realize a tongue was protruding. So I carved it, and it became a tongue.

I finished and wasn't sure what it was but noticed the carving resembled Bart Simpson somewhat. Finally, I decided it was a pickle. Probably what Bart would look like if he became a pickle. 

Oh and, if you never watched the Beverly Hillbillies, you don't have a clue about how I started this story. 😊

Thursday, March 21, 2024

AI Generated Coffee Fake Facts Story

  I'm sure most of you know about AI. It's fascinating and maybe a little scary? 

Maybe. But I'm doing some experimenting with AI and finding all sorts of things that can be done. But this is a blog about coffee. So let me show you a story that was actually created using AI. I used to write books under the name B.B. Knight so if I was using AI, most likely I'd just have it spit out some story ideas and then take it from there.

But this story cracked me up and I thought I'd share it with you. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Once upon a time in the whimsical land of Caffetopia, there existed a magical coffee bean named Bob. Bob was no ordinary bean; he possessed the extraordinary ability to grant people with incredible, albeit fictional, coffee facts.

One fine morning, Bob found himself being brewed in a cheerful coffee shop called "Caffeinated Delights." As the hot water seeped through his aromatic essence, Bob's magical powers were unleashed. The barista, a young and enthusiastic coffee lover named Emma, unknowingly poured Bob's enchanting elixir into a cup.

Little did Emma know that with every sip, her customers would be gifted with bizarre coffee facts that would leave them perplexed and amused.

The first customer, a regular named Frank, took a sip of the enchanted brew and suddenly found himself speaking in rhymes. Startled but amused, he began sharing coffee facts in poetic verses. With a twinkle in his eye, he revealed, "Did you know that coffee beans secretly practice ballet in the moonlight? They pirouette and arabesque while humming the theme song from 'The Nutcracker.'"

The coffee shop erupted in laughter as the customers were enchanted by Frank's lyrical revelation. They couldn't wait to experience the magical coffee facts for themselves.

Next in line was a timid young lady named Lisa. As she sipped the coffee, a delightful surprise awaited her. She gained the ability to read the minds of coffee beans. Lisa gasped in astonishment and announced, "You won't believe it! Coffee beans hold secret meetings at midnight to discuss world domination. They're plotting to take over the world, one cup at a time!"

The coffee shop buzzed with excitement as customers marveled at the amusing coffee facts. Each person who sipped the enchanted brew discovered a unique and whimsical talent.

As the day progressed, people started flocking to "Caffeinated Delights" in search of the mystical coffee. The shop became a hub of laughter and entertainment. From spontaneous dancing to uncontrollable laughter, the magical coffee facts transformed the mundane into the extraordinary.

However, as evening fell, Bob's enchantment began to fade. The last customer, a curious child named Max, took a sip and eagerly waited for his magical talent to emerge. To his dismay, nothing happened. Bob's power had been exhausted.

Emma, the barista, noticed Max's disappointment and, with a smile, explained that the magical coffee facts were all in good fun. She assured him that the joy and laughter they experienced were the true magic of coffee.

And so, the tale of Bob, the magical coffee bean, and his whimsical coffee facts became legendary in Caffetopia.

 "Caffeinated Delights" continued to serve delicious coffee, but the memory of the enchanted brew and the laughter it brought remained forever imprinted in the hearts of those who experienced its magic.